
How to Prepare Your Car for the Erie, PA Winter

How to Prepare Your Car for the Erie, PA Winter

With winter coming in merely weeks, Erie, PA, residents should be prepping for its harsh conditions. It's best to plan for the unexpected; Especially during the holidays, you want a reliable vehicle to run errands, do your holiday shopping, and visit friends and family. When unforeseen events occur, like a snowstorm, your daily commute can go from minutes to hours. By reviewing this quick auto to-do list, you'll be better prepared to handle unexpected winter weather conditions. Before heading out on the road this winter, the Car Care Council recommends you to do the following: Double-check that your car heater and defroster are working properly. As temperatures drop, you want to be warm and comfortable in your ride. Also, you'll need defrosters to clear your windshield and windows. Stock an emergency kit in your car. Make sure you include winter-centric items such as an ice scraper, snowbrush, and the basics: jumper cables, flashlight, flares, etc. Pack blankets, warm c ... read more

What Is a Muffler and What Does It Do?

What Is a Muffler and What Does It Do?

A muffler is a vital piece in your exhaust system that takes the sounds coming from the engine and cancels them out so that your car is not obnoxiously loud when you drive. You should be thankful for what it does as it enables you and others a nice and quiet riding experience. In addition to the noise suppression your muffler provides, it also aids in protecting you from the toxic byproducts of the combustion process in your engine. The muffler takes the fumes from the engine and directs them to the back and out from the tailpipe. Certain chemicals from the engine can cause severe medical problems and even death if you're exposed to them for an extended time. What Is the Leading Cause of Muffler Damage? Both the internal and external components of your vehicle's muffler can wear down and decline over time. It will happen to everyone's car eventually, so it's helpful to know when to replace the muffler. The leading cause behind muffler replacement is rust. Rust can ca ... read more

3 Driving Habits That Are Detrimental to Your Vehicle

3 Driving Habits That Are Detrimental to Your Vehicle

Your car is an expensive investment at the end of the day. It's best to take proper care of it and to be extra precautious when driving it. But the reality is, we all have bad driving habits that are difficult to break. Some people like to speed, and some people neglect to use their turn signals. Those are not good habits to have as a driver, but some other practices can damage your vehicle's health. Let's take a look at these three driving habits (that you may need to break immediately): Habit #1: Running Over Potholes Potholes can be sneaky and disguise their depth with rain puddles. Some roads may have more potholes than others, but they're relatively common. When hitting a pothole head-on, it can severely damage your vehicle's suspension system, steering system and knock your wheels out of alignment. To prevent this problem, you need to stay sharp and drive defensively to avoid these damages. In some situations where potholes are unavoidable, slowing down can ... read more

Five Signs of Spark Plug Stress and Failure

Five Signs of Spark Plug Stress and Failure

Ready, Set, Go? Well, maybe not if your car's spark plugs aren't in good order. These vital components screw into each engine cylinder to make your car 'go'. Spark plugs provide the electrical arc igniting the fuel and air in a car's combustion engine. They deteriorate at varying rates due to normal usage, accumulating engine debris, extreme environmental pressures, and accidents. To ensure the healthy, safe, and economical performance of your vehicle, be on the watch for these five signs that your spark plugs may need replacing. Engine Misfires - If your engine is misfiring it may be that the electrodes of your spark plugs have worn down to the point where they cannot ignite the fuel and air mixture in the car's combustion chamber. Poor Acceleration - If you're experiencing hesitant acceleration, especially at low speeds, this can indicate weakened ignition coils in your spark plugs, preventing the car from generating suf ... read more

Car Battery Maintenance Tips

Car Battery Maintenance Tips

When it comes to your car, it all starts with the battery (literally). Proper battery maintenance is essential for 2 reasons: Your car won't start or run without it.  It is the key to prolong the life of your automobile's electrical system.  If the battery isn't working efficiently, your alternator has to do the heavy lifting to make up for it. The other electrical components can suffer as well.    Batteries are susceptible to shifts in the weather in PA. Extreme temperatures will affect the battery's overall performance, which is why we highly recommend getting routine battery inspections. The inspection should be an essential part of your spring and fall checkups. You can casually check it every now and then too. Next time you're under your hood, take a look at your battery. Here are the things to check for: Is the battery clean and free of residue? A dirty battery will drain easier. Is there corrosion at the terminals where the battery c ... read more