Monthly Archives: January 2022

What Are Signs That Indicate a Need for a Wheel Alignment?

What Are Signs That Indicate a Need for a Wheel Alignment?

Control and safety are tough to maintain when your car's wheels are misaligned. The last thing you want to do is put your, your passengers, and other drivers' safety at risk. To avoid having misaligned wheels, please avoid hitting potholes, curbs, or any major bumps on the road. However, a recent car accident may also cause your wheels to shift out of alignment. If you're unsure whether any of these events recently happened to you, you can check to see if you have the following signs below: Vehicle pulling left or right Driving straight should be a breeze for most drivers, thanks to power steering. However, if you notice that you are having difficulty keeping your car in between the lines, you may need to get a wheel alignment.  Uneven tire wear If you haven't already, you should be checking your tires regularly. If you notice wear spots in distinctive areas over others, your tires are wearing unevenly, meaning you should check to see if you need a wheel alignm ... read more