Monthly Archives: December 2021

How Do I Know if I Need to Replace My Car Ball Joints?

How Do I Know if I Need to Replace My Car Ball Joints?

Car ball joints consist of a ball and socket very similar to the hip socket of a human body. The ball joints of the front suspension of your car provide pivoting movement between the steering knuckles and control arms, this helps provide a safe, smooth ride with precise control over your vehicle. So, how can you tell if your car ball joints need to be replaced? You begin to hear squeaky noises coming from your vehicle. Your vehicle begins to drift off to the side Your steering loosens and becomes shaky Uneven tire wear The above are the obvious signs of worn-out or wearing-out car ball joints. However, how else can you check whether they need a replacement if there aren't obvious symptoms? Take your car out for a drive and drive to its speed limit while paying close attention to its engine, steering wheel, and the car's overall performance. Drive over speed bumps if your car makes any weird noises then your car ball sockets are probably worn out and need a replace ... read more