Monthly Archives: September 2021

3 Driving Habits That Are Detrimental to Your Vehicle

3 Driving Habits That Are Detrimental to Your Vehicle

Your car is an expensive investment at the end of the day. It's best to take proper care of it and to be extra precautious when driving it. But the reality is, we all have bad driving habits that are difficult to break. Some people like to speed, and some people neglect to use their turn signals. Those are not good habits to have as a driver, but some other practices can damage your vehicle's health. Let's take a look at these three driving habits (that you may need to break immediately): Habit #1: Running Over Potholes Potholes can be sneaky and disguise their depth with rain puddles. Some roads may have more potholes than others, but they're relatively common. When hitting a pothole head-on, it can severely damage your vehicle's suspension system, steering system and knock your wheels out of alignment. To prevent this problem, you need to stay sharp and drive defensively to avoid these damages. In some situations where potholes are unavoidable, slowing down can ... read more