Monthly Archives: June 2021

Does Brake Fluid Go Bad?

Does Brake Fluid Go Bad?

The short answer to this is; Yes! Brake fluid does go bad. Your car's brake fluid is hygroscopic, which means that it can easily absorb moisture from the atmosphere. As it absorbs more water each day, it becomes less effective when used on your car's braking system. Besides, contaminated fluid has a low boiling point which translates to reduced performance. Given the pressure it is exposed to; it is crucial that the brake fluid maintains its optimum boiling point. This will ensure that the brakes work perfectly and prevent the brake pedal from becoming spongy. So How Long Should Brake Fluid Last If unopened and stored in ideal conditions, your brake fluid is most likely to last two years. It is essential that you only purchase enough fluid for your car as it will start to deteriorate in quality as soon as it is opened. Once it's in the vehicle, its longevity depends on equipment type, the operating environment, and the application upon which the fluid is used. For instan ... read more