Monthly Archives: March 2022

3 Things That Can Secretly Kill Your Battery

3 Things That Can Secretly Kill Your Battery

Certain conditions can be harsh on your car battery. Next thing you know, you're wondering why you have to keep jump-starting your vehicle. Read on to learn more about the 3 things that can harm your vehicle's battery performance: Powering Too Many Things At Once It's not a good idea to overwork your battery. If your automobile battery is older, it may not have the same charging capacity as it once did. If you're running all your car's electronic accessories and have various devices plugged init, it can be overkill. Also, we strongly advise against plugging tablets or laptops into your carports.  Hot Temperatures The next culprit that can harm your battery is heated. Once summer rolls around in Erie, PA, you have to be extra cautious with your battery. When it is exposed to heat for long periods, it can leak acid and corrode. Try parking your car in a garage or under the shade to avoid wear and tear.  Driving Too Short of Distances If you are only ma ... read more